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Uncovering the Results of Exploratory Global Study on Uncontrolled Allergic Rhinitis

This episode of EUFOREA TV Breaking News is all about uncontrolled allergic rhinitis and a global study carried out to determine the reasons underlying uncontrolled disease. More than 35% of patients with allergic rhinitis on medication still have the uncontrolled disease and experienced a bothersome symptom that’s why we contacted professor Elina Toskala, Director, Allergy in Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, USA and Professor Soumya MS, Associate Professor Otorhinolaryngology, St John’s Medical College, Bangalore, India, to find out what in the study especially the factors that provoke the occurrence of the disease and causes of not control allergic rhinitis, its symptoms and what makes it a unique condition.

In this episode, you can find out about distinct categories of disease-related diagnosis, treatment and patient and what were the main findings of the study. And the most important – what physicians then learn from finds of the study for improving the quality of life of the patient.

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