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Biomarkers for Biological Treatment

In this episode of EUFOREA News, join Dr David Bull and Prof. Thomas Casale, Professor of Medicine and Paediatrics and Chief of Clinical and Translational Research at the University South of Florida & Chief Medical Advisor at FARE (Food Allergy Research and Education). We take a look at the increasing use of biologicals in the treatment of asthma and CRSwNP. However, as biologicals are expensive, it’s crucial to match the right patient with the right therapy. So how important are biomarkers in assessing which patients get what? Do Biomarkers make sense or is it nonsense?

The majority of patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) and over half of patients with asthma show a type 2 inflammatory signature in sinonasal mucosa and/or lungs. Importantly, both chronic respiratory diseases are frequent comorbidities, ensuring alleviation of both upper and lower airway pathology by systemic biological therapy. But given the high prevalence of chronic respiratory diseases and the high cost associated with biologics, patient selection is crucial in order to ensure the right patients get the right treatments. So do biomarkers used to assess the usefulness of biologicals make sense or are they nonsense? In this episode, we’ll discover

1. Why are these biomarkers so important?

2. Where do we stand anno 2022 with specific biomarkers in asthma and in CRSwNP?

3. Which biomarkers are relevant for clinicians dealing with asthma and CRSwNP?

4. Which biomarkers can predict response to treatment?

5. Which biomarkers can be used for monitoring therapeutic response?

6. What will the future of biomarker research be?

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