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Paper on Chronic Rhinosinusitis Pocket Guide

EUFOREA is pleased to announce the publication of the chronic rhinosinusitis paper that was published in Rhinology Journal.

This paper is related to the most recent launch of the chronic rhinosinusitis pocket guide with a new treatment algorithm created by EUFOREA. The EUFOREA pocket guide aims to improve knowledge amongst all stakeholders involved in CRS care and streamline the transition of patients between self-, pharmacy-, GP- and specialist-care, facilitating more coordinated care. It also includes a diagnostic checklist when assessing CRS patients including a list of symptoms suggestive and less suggestive of CRS, questions on suspected comorbid asthma, and instructions on how to use the VAS for CRS.

Read the Paper Now

EUFOREA CRS pocket guide treatment algorithm. AB: Antibiotics; EUFOREA: European Forum for Research & Education in Allergy & Airway Diseases; VAS: visual analogue scale.

Click below to find more information on the CRS Pocket Guide!

CRS Pocket Guide

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