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WAO Allergy Week 2021 Supported by EUFOREA

This EUFOREA Breaking News show is all about the World Allergy Organization Allergy Week 2021, which EUFOREA supports to increase awareness of chronic respiratory diseases. WAO hosts the World Allergy Week every year and this year it is taking place between the 13th and 19th of June. The week aims to raise awareness of allergic disease and related disorders and provide training in diagnosis management and prevention of these diseases. This important initiative was organized in 2011 and this year’s chosen topic is Anaphylaxis.

In this episode, join Prof. Motohiro Ebisawa, President of World Allergy Organization, and Prof. Peter Hellings, Founder and Chairman of EUFOREA, as they discuss the importance of increasing public and political awareness of the prevalence and burden of respiratory diseases, so that patients get access to the right treatment at the right time. ou will also learn more about the initiatives from EUFOREA and awareness campaigns with the International Advisory Board.

Learn how to SToP Anaphylaxis here

Read the World Allergy Organization Anaphylaxis Guidance 2020 here

Be aware. Be prepared. Save Lives

World Allergy Week 2021

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