
Patient Initiatives

Back Patient initiatives Welcome to the Patient Initiatives! In this section we highlight the various ways you can connect, engage, and take action as part of the CRS community. Whether you’re looking for support, want to stay informed, or are inspired to get involved, these initiatives are here for you. If you’d like to receive further information or register for any of the activities, please contact Xander Bertels, our Patient Advisory Board & Advocacy Manager, at Patient Testimonials Find out more patient stories on our dedicated page here. Global CRSwNP Awareness Day Join us in raising awareness for CRS at our Global Awareness Day on Nasal Polyp Syndrome. Each year, we celebrate this important event on April 24th, and 2025 will mark our 4th edition under the theme “New Ambitions of Care.” To advance the field, we hold panel discussions with patients and stakeholders from around the globe. In this year’s edition, you as a patient can contribute to defining the ambitions for the future of CRS care. These ambitions will then be discussed by a multidisciplinary panel of healthcare providers to find a consensus on how to best address the unmet needs. Want to know more about our previous panel discussions? Be sure to check out the 2024 Edition themed “The Empowered Patient“. Patient Advisory Board At EUFOREA, one of our key goals is to bring stakeholders together, and our Patient Advisory Board is a great example of this mission in action. With quarterly meetings, the Advisory Board brings patients together to discuss the latest trends in CRS and other airway diseases. It’s not just about connecting with others who understand what you’re going through—it’s also about making a real difference in care. In fact, this very Patient Portal you’re using is one of the outcomes of these discussions! The Advisory Board focuses on unmet needs and how CRS affects daily life, ensuring patient voices are at the center of improving care and support. By working together, we’re driving meaningful change for the entire CRS community. Patient Advisory Board 20km run for airway diseases If you are living near Brussels (Belgium), you might consider joining our EUFOREA Delegation to run for CRS and other airway diseases on May 25, 2025! As part of the team, EUFOREA will sponsor your entry fee and you’ll receive a colourful EUFOREA top. For more practical details, visit the organiser’s website for the 20km Run of Brussels. Polyp Gossip Podcast Patient organisations Disclaimer This website does not provide medical advice. The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images, and other material contained on this website is for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider. EUFOREA is not a medical organisation and cannot provide specific medical advice to patients via the Internet and/or E-mail. All patients are encouraged to direct their specific questions to their personal physicians. EUFOREA presents this information to patients so that patients can understand and participate in their own medical care. EUFOREA strongly emphasises that the information contained on this website is not a substitute for thorough evaluation and treatment by a qualified healthcare provider. Copyright © 2025 – EUFOREA – All rights reserved. All content on this portal, such as text, graphics, logos and images, is the property of EUFOREA. They may not be reproduced, copied, published, stored, modified or used in any form, online or offline, without prior written permission of EUFOREA. Overview Patient initiatives Patient Testimonials EUFOREA Global Awareness Days Patient Advisory Board 20km run for airway diseases Patient organisations

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